Monday, October 6, 2008

surrounded by the sickness

So Madison has her first cold, which as new parents makes us terrified. Her nose is all stuffy and she is sleeping a lot. I had what I thought was a cold a couple of days ago but I think it was just allergies. Matt on the other hand also has a cold. He has to go back to work tomorrow which sucks because he is sick. He has slept a lot today which hopefully will help him recover quickly.


Nicole T said...

how was first day with Matt gone?

Laura said...

She's getting so big! It was nice to talk to you today. I forgot to tell you that my mom is looking for cheap flights for me so Harper and I can come visit! Cross your fingers!

Anonymous said...

Jeannette & Matt:

I hope Madison is feeling better we had hayden at the MD last week with what we thought was an ear infection but luckily it was just from him getting his 1 yr molars.

She's getting so big and more beautiful every day I see new pics.

Hope all's well with all of you.
