Monday, January 26, 2009

Madison and her voice

Madison has found her voice and likes to use it loudly!!! She found it awhile ago but it has been hiding for the last few weeks. This weekend she has been letting us know that she has an opinion about things. Most of the time it is fun to hear the noises she makes, however sometimes she gets pretty squeaky and it's a noise only dogs can hear. Matt had the whole weekend off including Friday so we have been having some much needed family time. Matt and I also went out on a date last night! We went to our favorite place The Yardhouse. We got some gift cards for Christmas and graduation so we could really splurge. I love going out with my husband. We have so much fun together! Matt and I have been married for over 4 years and together for just over 8 years! We have really grown up together. I love my husband he is a great husband and a wonderful dad! By the way Madi is 5 months old today. The pictures above are of where she was (the day we brought her home) and where she is today!


Nicole T said...

what a big girl!

AmyKristen said...

You need to take another picture with her laying on the bed now that she's bigger so we can see the difference!