Friday, April 10, 2009

I LOVE Easter!

While Easter is not one of the most popular of holidays, it is one of my favorites. I say its not popular because it doesn't hold the following of millions as Christmas or even the 4th of July. Sure people get together with their families on Easter Sunday to eat and socialize but I bet if you asked the vast majority of people why we celebrate Easter most would have no clue. What I think I love the most about Easter weekend is Good Friday. I know what your thinking "Jeannette, your favorite part about Easter is the day Christ was crucified??" And my response is Yes. For many reasons Good Friday is my favorite part of the weekend 1) Christ died so I can LIVE!!! Good Friday is a great day to remember just how much he really loves us! 2) Ever since I was a kid my mom would take us to this place in Phoenix called Canaan in the Desert. It is a beautiful place that shows Christ's life and death throughout this beautiful desert garden. 3) Good Friday Service @ Open Door. It usually is just music and communion and it is the most peaceful service. I love it!! 4) This year is the first Easter with Madison. It is so neat to be able to start our own traditions and to keep some of the old ones going.

So I hope all of you have a wonderful Easter weekend. And while the holiday has turned into peeps and giant chocolate bunnies, I hope we all take a moment and remember what this weekend is really about.

By the way here are some fun pics of Madi...she is getting sooooo big scooting along trying to crawl and growing up so fast!


Ann Marie said...

Amen Sister!! I've never heard of Canaan in the Desert but it sounds awesome and I'm sure very humbling! Happy Easter to the three of you!

Mark J. Williams said...

You're right. People have a tough time with Easter, believers and non-believers alike.